The Go release JSON API provides programmatic access to the release versions and artifacts of the Go programming language.

/api/latest_version.txt: Returns the latest stable version of Go in text.

/api/latest_release.json: Returns the Release object for the latest stable version of Go.

/api/all_versions.txt: Returns all of the stable Go versions sorted in decreasing release version and separated by newlines.

/api/all_versions.json: Returns all of the stable Go versions as an JSON object with a top-level versions key whose value is an array version strings in decreasing release version.

/api/versions/$GO_VERSION/release.json: The JSON Release object for the given $GO_VERSION.

Release objects contain:#

An array of Artifacts.
The numeric version (e.g. "1.1", "1.13.1") of the release.

Artifact objects contain:

The version string of the Go release the artifact is from.
The URL where the artifact can be downloaded.
The kind can be either "Source" (it's the source code for the artifact), "Installer" (a binary installer tool for a given platform), or "Archive" (a compiled form of the Go release for that platform).
The operating system the artifact is meant to be used on (if a specific one exists).
The CPU architecture the artifact is meant to be used on (if a specific one exists).
The SHA256 of the artifact to be used for verification of a correct download. Present on all versions after 1.5.2.
The SHA1 of the artifact to be used for verification of a correct download. Present only on versions 1.5.2 and older. No longer used in more recent versions.